5 efficient ways Neteera saves nurses' time
A breakdown of how nurses spend their time apart from taking vital signs:
35.3% on documentation
17.2% on medication administration
37% with patients
How can Neteera free up their time and add time to actually deal with the important task of directly caring for patients?
5 ways Neteera saves time on making rounds
Automated vital signs taking
Neteera’s RPM platform relives nurses from manually taking vitals, adding precious time to their shift.
Prioritizing patients
With Neteera’s continuous monitoring, nurses have a clear view of patients' clinical state. Trend analysis can give a better picture of which patients need more attention and spend less time assessing patient condition.
Using a Smart Alert system
Neteera’s Smart Alert system sends notifications when they are real. Notification delays are based on average time vitals exceed predefined thresholds thereby decreasing unnecessary alerts and improving response time.
Effective communication
With Neteera’s remote patient monitoring platform, the medical staff can decide who receives what type of notification. Since nurses are usually everywhere but the nurse station, receiving a text message or email will allow them to react in a timely manner.
EHR/EMR integration
Neteera’s platform, is integrated with a variety of EHR/EMR systems and data is uploaded and synced automatically or manually to EHR/EMR and ADT platforms. *