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Healthcare Facilities

Empowering nurses

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) allows nurses and other healthcare professionals to remotely monitor and track vital signs and other health data of patients, regardless of their location. The use of RPM can help resolve the nurse shortage and save nurses time in several ways.


Whether in a hospital, nursing home or long-term care facility, RPM allows nurses to continuously monitor the health of their patients without having to be physically present with them. This can help reduce the workload and stress of nurses, who often have large patient caseloads and can be at risk for burnout. By using RPM, nurses can monitor the vital signs and behavioral data of multiple patients at once, helping them save time on making rounds and improve efficiency.


Improving care

RPM can improve the quality-of-care patients receive. Continuous monitoring allows nurses to quickly identify any potential problems and take appropriate action in a timely manner. It allows nurses to identify patients in need, prioritize those at risk, use the data to better understand patient status and spend less time assessing patient condition. Nurses can monitor the health of elderly or disabled patients who may not be able to communicate their needs or symptoms effectively. This can help to prevent complications and ensure that patients receive the best possible care. Nurses caring for chronic patients can use real-time data and trend analysis to identify patterns early on that could indicate a potential problem or risk of exacerbation and help them adjust and deliver a more personalized course of treatment.


Neteera’s FDA-cleared medical device is a contactless remote patient monitoring platform accurately delivering heart and lung activity (heart rate and respiratory rate) as well as patient behavior. For nurses and medical staff alike, integrating Neteera’s contactless monitoring platform saves them time on making rounds, and improves the quality of care delivered. Clinical insights on the patient’s current state and trend analysis are made possible by real-time data and continuous collection of vital signs, thus giving the physician the correct tools and information to intervene in a timely manner when necessary. Neteera’s platform encompasses a seamless and stressless monitoring experience for patients and their medical staff:


  • Contactless remote monitoring

  • Senses through clothing and bedding

  • Health data are kept private and secure

  • No camera for ultimate privacy

  • Device handling/maintenance is not required

  • Complete integration in facilities’ EHR/EMR system

  • SMS/email notifications

  • Smart Alert System aiming to minimize non-clinically relevant notifications


In short, Neteera’s platform may help reduce the burden out of healthcare for a wide range of patients and can help clinicians do their job more effectively and efficiently.

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